Monday 1 October 2007

Book Club Meeting: Number 1

Ok so one month later I finally get a chance to blog about the first book club meeting I went to - there really are not enough hours in the day!

We went out for a glass of Rose and picked our first book, The Atonement by Ian McEwan. It was really nice to get to know some other people in our company - and no, we didn't just sit around talking about books for an hour and compare reading glasses! It's a great way to meet some new faces so I'd definitely recommend it.

I think everyone was keen to read The Atonement thanks to the movie that's just been released. To be honest, I hadn't even heard about The Atonement until the film was released - I've definitely been out of the literary loop for far too long. Had it not been for the book club, or indeed the film, I doubt I would have picked up this novel any time soon - and that would have been a shame because it's absolutely brilliant!

The next book club meeting will be in November sometime - ages away. I might have forgotten about all those little details that make a novel a novel by then. Is everyone really so busy these days that we need to give ourselves 2 months to read a book?! Actually, probably YES.

When we decided to meet in Novemeber I was strangely relieved - it's so hard to find time to just sit back and get stuck into a book. I guess that's the curse of working life, especially when you've got a mammoth commute and other things going on when you get home - like building work, family commitments, cooking, friends dramas, laundry and fun stuff like that going on (it's been a tough couple of months!) On the plus side, the mammoth commute does mean I can sit back on the tube and get absorbed in my book - in the hope that I've managed to get a seat of course. In fact today was the first day in well over a week that I listened to my iPod instead of reading! Hooray, I'm getting there...

Over the weekend I picked up The God Delusion - time to see what all the fuss is about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.